
Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - 12:07pm
CEM is now K to 12 ready

CEM has rolled out the K to 12 ready tests to coincide with DepEd's implementation of the new curriculum. These tests contain more reports on how the students measure up to the prescribed competencies. 

The new fees are Php 140.00 for Kindergarten and Grade 1 tests, and Php 110.00 for Grades 2, 7 and 8 tests. Member schools are entitled to Php 10.00 discount on these rates.

BEC and Transitional K to 12 Tests can still be availed at the current price of Php 80.00 per test. For non-member schools, an additional Php 10.00 per test will be charged. 

To know more about CEM K to 12 Achievement Tests, check our website at Send us an e-mail at for inquiries, or call our Client Relations team at (02) 813-3691.