
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 9:57am
CEM Announces Roster of Its Standardized Online Tests

CEM has officially launched its standardized online assessments during the first part of the CEM 42nd Anniversary Virtual Conference held on September 25, 2020 via Zoom.

These tests were designed to help schools, organizations and other individuals evaluate and document the learning progress of students amidst the pandemic. Powered by a user-friendly advanced platform, these tests are systematically developed using standard procedures and administered remotely with the help of AI technology and live human proctors in a safe and secure online environment. Data management and security as well as identity authentication and verification are ensured in order to maintain the integrity of the system. Check out the features of the CEM Online Assessments. Below is a list of online versions of CEM assessments:

Available by SEPTEMBER 25, 2020
Readiness Test for Senior High (RTSH)
Readiness Test for Colleges and Universities (RTCU)
Law School Qualifying Test (LSQT)

Available by OCTOBER 8, 2020
Nursing Aptitude Test

Available by NOVEMBER 12, 2020
CEM K to 12 Achievement Tests Grades 4 to 12 (English, Mathematics, and Science)
Reading Tests Levels 1 to 3
CEM Profiler

Available by NOVEMBER 23, 2020
Philippine Aptitude Classification Test (PACT)
Graduate Level Test (GLT)
Elementary Level Competency Measure (ELCOM)
College Scholarship Qualifying Test (CSQT)

Available by NOVEMBER 26, 2020
Allied Medical Courses Admission Test (AMCAT)
Philippine Aptitude Test for Teachers (PATT)

Find out more about these tests and contact our CEM Testing Coordinator for inquiries and test scheduling through these numbers: 0999-2212606, 0999-2212607, 0999-2212608, 0999-2212551, 0999-2212553, 0999-2212554, or 0945-8128488.