
Friday, March 7, 2014 - 7:22pm
CEM attends IAEA Conference in Israel

CEM joined the 39th Annual International Association for Educational Assessment Conference (IAEA) in Tel Aviv, Israel last Oct. 20-25, 2013. The conference offers a global forum for all those involved in all forms of educational assessment – in primary or secondary schools, colleges or the workplace.

The conference theme was "Educational Assessment 2.0: Technology in Educational Assessment" hosted by the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation (NITE).  NITE is an institution established by the Associated Heads of the Universities in Israel that develops and administer standardized admissions and placement tests for higher education.

Prof. Richard M. Luecht of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro delivered the Keynote Address on “Evidence-Based Design and Assessment Engineering Principles: The Future of Educational Assessment.” In his talk, Luecht highlighted evidence-based developments and assessment engineering principles; and how these affect assessment tasks and scoring system.

Dr. Lenore Decenteceo, CEM and IAEA president; Maria Angeles Sampang and Armi Lantano from Test Development Section; and Pedro Dy-Liacco from Information Technology Section attended the conference.

Dr. Decenteceo delivered the welcome address and chaired the session on “Higher Education Admissions.”

CEM participants took part in the workshops on the latest technology on test development, score processing and reporting; and latest trend in assessment and IRT.  The team were able to generate new insights from the conference that are in line with CEM’s thrust of honing its expertise and capability in measurement and research.

This annual event brings together assessment experts and practitioners from educational institutions, assessment boards and organizations from over 40 countries around the world.

The broad purpose of IAEA is to assist educational agencies in the development and appropriate application of educational assessment techniques to improve the quality of education. IAEA believes that this is best achieved through international cooperation and seeks to facilitate the development of closer ties among relevant agencies and individuals around the world.

The 40th Annual IAEA conference will be held on May 25-30, 2014 in Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore. The keynote speakers are Jim Pellegrino and Gordon Stobart. Around 300 delegates are expected, with discussions about all types of assessment and related matters.