
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - 12:09am
DRL2024 - "Screenagers"

How can you adapt your teaching methods for the digital age?

Enrollment Fee: ₱ 500.00
  Click here to ENROLL NOW! 

  “Today’s teenagers are better described as “screenagers,” a term popularized by Dan Bloom to describe the act of reading on screen. They’re woken up by an alarm on a cellphone and they check the latest gossip on the same device, often before they get out of bed. They go to school or work in a vehicle that features screen-based information or an entertainment system, and they spend most of their day interacting with one kind of screen or another. In the evening they interact with their friends via screens and may finally sit down to relax with the internet.”  
  Watson, R. (2010). Future Minds: How the Digital Age is changing our minds, why this matters, and what we can do about it. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London.  
The students of today are growing up in a world where screens are an integral part of their daily lives. They have extensive exposure to digital technology and information media from a young age, shaping their interactions, behaviors, and communication patterns.
The advancement of technology and the widespread use of digital devices have transformed how students access and interact with information. As a result, it has become increasingly essential for educators to have a deeper understanding of digital reading literacy. This knowledge equips educators to effectively teach, guide, and inspire students in their journey as critical readers in the digital age.
Join us in our webinar on Digital Reading Literacy: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Promises in the Information Age. Learn from the expertise and experience of Dr. Portia Padilla from the University of the Philippines.
Date: January 26, 2024
Time: 8:30 AM – 12:00 NN Philippine Standard Time
Platform: CEM CPD Online/ Zoom
Enroll now and secure your spot!

Enrollment Fee: ₱ 500.00
  Click here to ENROLL NOW! 

Visit CEM CPD Online for more details and enrollment.